Prism Pictures is a film and video production company based in Tokyo, Japan.Founded in 2021, focused on quality moving-image production.The bridge between Tokyo and the rest of the world.Provides production and post-production services to international co-productions and productions for fiction feature, short, dance and documentary films and videos.
Diverse experience and knowledge spanning Independent films, arthouse, visual arts, and documentaries, as well as commercial feature films. We actively seek collaborations with people and projects that inspire us. Our mission is to connect artists from Japan and abroad, supporting an environment where they can create within a rich tapestry of inspiration. To that end, each of us is conscious of being an inspiring collaborator ourselves.
Our Services
Film Producing
produce films, including short and feature films, fiction, and documentaries.
Production Sevice
制作部や監督として個人に指名があれば、あなたのプロジェクトをお手伝いできるかもしれません。最近のクライアントには、FOSTギャラリー(シンガポール)、The Esplanade(シンガポール)などがあります。
Translations and Subtitles
Production Services in Japan for foreign crews
資金調達からラインプロデュースまで、さまざまなレベルで国際共同製作作品に携わり、海外作品・海外クルーのためのプロダクションサービスを提供しています。日本で映像製作を行ってきた豊富な経験や知識を活かし、海外の映像作家の方々が創り出す登場人物や物語に、日本ならではの視点を提供し、作家の方々が自信と安心感をもって思い描いた世界を実現するお手伝いをしています。また、日本各地どこにでも撮影に赴き、地元の方々の協力を得て、そこに生きる人々の<本物の声>を映画に届けるスタイルを得意としています。ニコル・ミドリ・ウッドフォード監督の長編デビュー作『Last Shadow At First Light』、CNAドキュメンタリー『Power to the People』、Potocol製作の『Imagine Ocean』など。
We handle in-house offline editing and color grading for feature films, documentaries, and film trailers. Additionally, we collaborate with other post-production teams to finalize music, sound design, and sound mix on the projects we do.
For the ADR of "Last Shadow at First Light" in Tokyo, we facilitated a real-time remote workflow: while the actors and Prism Pictures + Re-Recordist Team worked from a Japanese ADR studio, the director and sound designer joined from Cambodia, and the producer participated from Singapore.
Our recent work in trailer editing includes award winning Indonesian film Autobiography by Makbul Mubarak and Vietnamese film Glorious Ashes by Bui Thac Chuyen.
『Last Shadow at First Light』のアフレコを東京で行った際には、俳優とプリズムピクチャーズ+Re-Recordist Teamは日本のアフレコスタジオで、監督とサウンドデザイナーはカンボジア、プロデューサーはシンガポールからアフレコをリアルタイムの遠隔作業で行ったこともあります。
最近の予告編編集では、受賞歴のあるインドネシア映画「Autobiography」(Makbul Mubarak 監督)やベトナム映画「Glorious Ashes」(Bui Thac Chuyen 監督)などを手がけました。
We provide in-house offline editing and color grading for feature films, documentaries, and film trailers. Additionally, we collaborate with other post-production teams to finalize music, sound design, and sound mix on the projects we do.
For the ADR of "Last Shadow at First Light" in Tokyo, we facilitated a real-time remote workflow: while the actors and Prism Pictures + Re-Recordist Team worked from a Japanese ADR studio, the director and sound designer joined from Cambodia, and the producer participated from Singapore.
Our recent work in trailer editing includes award winning Indonesian film Autobiography by Makbul Mubarak and Vietnamese film Glorious Ashes by Bui Thac Chuyen.
社 名 : 合同会社プリズムピクチャーズ
設 立 : 令和3年3月17日
資本金 : 5,010,000円
代 表 : 古市あきほ
Liao Jiekai(リャオ チエカイ)
顧問税理士 : 税理士法人 日下税理士事務所
company name: Prism Pictures LLC
Founded : 17/March/2021
Capital : 5,010,000 yen
Co-Founders : Akiho Furuichi
Liao Jiekai(リャオ チエカイ)
Accountant : Kusaka Accountant Office