Akiho Furuichi
古市 あきほ
Akiho Furuichi is a founder of Prism Pictures and a Tokyo-based producer. She completed Platform BUSAN 2024 and the VIPO International Producer Lab in 2023. While studying in the Sociology Department at Rikkyo University, she began making films within Tokyo's independent film community. After graduation, she joined a production company, working as a producer for promotional videos, while independently producing the feature film "Extinct Animals" (2021), directed by Masaki Soejima, which was screened for two weeks at the Kichijoji Uplink theater located in Tokyo. In 2021, she co-founded Prism Pictures with Singaporean director Jiekai Liao and worked as the associate producer for Last Shadow at First Light (2023) directed by Nicole Midori Woodford with Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia and Slovenia production companies. Recently, she line-produced a dance short film "Imagine Ocean" (2024) with Protocol from Singapore, the TV documentary "Power to the People - Geothermal" (2024) with Third Floor Pictures from Singapore Singapore, and the domestic web drama series "Marriage Plan" (2024), directed by Akira Osaki. She is also participated in the production of "Invisible Us" (2024) , a drama series for Netflix directed by Yusaku Matsumoto as a Production Manager.
Prism Pictures代表。東京を拠点とするプロデューサー/制作部。
愛知県名古屋市生まれ。ACFM Platform BUSAN 2024、2023年VIPO国際プロデューサーLab修了。
2021年3月、リャオ・チエカイと共同で、映画制作会社プリズムピクチャーズを設立。 以来、国内外で活動している。主な作品として、『Last Shadow at First Light』(2023/監督:Nicole Midori Woodford)、『Imagine Ocean』(2024/監督:Liao Jiekai)、CNAのドキュメンタリー『Power to the people』(2024)があるほか、アジアを地盤としたアーティストのラボ「Cinemovement 7 東京編」の制作を務めるなど国際的な活動を精力的に進めている。直近ではWebドラマ「マリッジプラン」(2024/監督:大崎 章)のプロデューサーほか、配信ドラマ「透明なわたしたち」(2024/監督:松本優作)の制作担当を務めた。
"Invisible Us" directed by Yusaku Matsumoto
6 episodes for Netflix / Japan
Production Manager
"The girl named Ann" directed by Yu Irie
113mins / Fiction feature film / Japan
Production Assistant
79th Mainichi Japan film Award - 6 prie nominee, best actor prize
37th Tokyo International Film Festival Nippon Cinema Now, Japan
DANANG ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL - Special Jury prize, Vietnam
Festival du cinema japonais contemporain, France
'Imagine Ocean" directed by Jiekai Liao
18mins / Fiction short film / Singapore, Japan
Line Producer
42th Le FIFA Short FIlms Official Selection, Canada
"Power To the People- Geothermal"
45mins / CNA documentary show / Singapore
Line Producer, Resercher
"Maridge Plan" directed by Akira Osaki
BUMP Web drama series / 40 episodes / Japan
"Secret Wife" directed by Ryota Sugihara
Short Max Web drama series / 80 episodes / China, Japan
"Last Shadow At First Light" directed by Nicole Midori Woodford,
110mins / Fiction feature film / Singapore, Japan, Slovenia, Philippines, Indonesia
Associate producer and Production Manager
71st San Sebastian Film Festival, Spain
34th Singapore International Film Festival, Singapore
16th Asia Pacific Screen Awards Best Screenplay Nominee, Australia
18th Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival, Indonesia
7th Pingyao International Film Festival, China
1st Ho Chi Minh International Film Festival Jury Prize, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Vietnam
47th Göteborg Film Festival, Sweden
24th Tokyo FILMeX, Japan
"House Of the Owl" directed by Yoshitaka Mori, Yuya Ishii, Matsumoto Yusaku
Disney + drama series / 10 episodes / Japan
Production Support
"Yossu, Omatase, Jyaamatane" directed by Kazuma Inomata
81mins / Fiction feature film / Japan
Production Assistant
"Maetel to doubutsu no Sekai" directed by Andrew Shin
60mins / Fiction feature film / Japan
First assistant director
”Take Care” directed Shun Tachizono
66mins / Fiction feature film / Japan
First assistant director
23rd TAMA NEW WAVE film festival, Tokyo, Japan
Japan Film Festival Los Angeles, USA
"Age of Revelation" directed by Jiekai Liao
45mins / Fiction short film / Singapore, Japan
Production Manager (Japan Unit)
SCCC (Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre) Cultural Extravaganza, Singapore
"Extinct Animals" directed by Masaki Soejima
62mins / Fiction feature film / Japan
MOOSIC LAB JOINT 2020-2021 - Special Jury Prize, Best Musician, Special Mention, Japan
"In the room" directed by Thoma Yahiro
40mins / fiction short film / Japan
First assistant director
"Be Here Now" directed by Tatsuya Nishimoto
89mins / fiction feature film / Japan
First assistant director
Okinawa International Film Festival, Japan
Fukui Film Festival, Japan
"Light of a Burning Moth" directed by Jiekai Liao
120mins / Fiction feature film / Japan
2020 Tokyo International Film Festival.
2021 Singapore International Festival of the Arts.
2021 Kuandu Film Festival, Taiwan.
"colorz" 15min / Short film / Japan
Director / Screenwriter
"Soul Music" directed by Masaki Soejima
30mins / fiction short film / Japan
Production Manager
MOOSIC LAB 2019 Short Film Department - Second Grand Prix, Japan
Fukuoka Independent Film Festival, Japan
"Uki-zeni" 30mins / omnibus short film / Japan
Director / Screenwriter
"Nigesaru-Ai" directed by Kunitoshi Manda
6mins / Fictiion short film / Japan
Baum-channel Film Festival, Japan
"Edamame-jo" 30mins / Fiction Short Film / Japan
Director / Screenwriter
Ueda Castle town Independent Film Festival, Japan
ABEMA TV・Netflix配信作品
全6話 / 日本
113分 / 日本
第79回 毎日映画コンクール 主演俳優賞受賞(河合優実)、6部門ノミネート(日本)
第2回ダナン・アジアン映画祭 アジア映画部門 審査員特別賞(ベトナム)
『Imagine Ocean』 アンジェラ・リオン=リャオ・チエカイ共同監督
18分 / シンガポール・日本
第42回 モントリオール国際芸術映画祭(カナダ)
『Power To the People- Geothermal』
CNAドキュメンタリー番組 / シンガポール
BUMP Web配信ドラマシリーズ / 全40話 / 日本
Short Max Web配信ドラマシリーズ / 全80話 / 中国・日本
『Last Shadow at First Light]』ニコル・ミドリ・ウッドフォード監督
アソシエイト・プロデューサー / 制作担当
110分 / シンガポール・日本・スロベニア・フィリピン・インドネシア
第71回 サンセバスチャン国際映画祭(スペイン)
第34回 シンガポール国際映画祭 (シンガポール)
第16回アジア太平洋映画賞 最優秀脚本賞ノミネート(オーストラリア)
第1回ホーチミン国際映画祭 審査員賞・最優秀脚本賞・撮影賞(ベトナム)
第47回 ヨーテボリ映画祭(スウェーデン)
第24回 Tokyo FILMeX(日本)
Disney + 配信作品
全10話 / 日本
81分 / 日本
『め〜てると動物の世界』Andrew Shin監督
60分 / 日本
66分 / 日本
第23回 TAMA NEW WAVE コンペティション部門
『Age of Revalation』リャオ・チエカイ監督
45分 / シンガポール・日本
SCCC (Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre) Cultural Extravaganza(シンガポール)
65分 / 日本
MOOSIC LAB [JOINT]2020-2021 審査員特別賞・ベストミュージシャン賞・松永天馬賞受賞
『in the room』八尋冬馬監督
40分 / 日本
『Be Here Now』西本達哉監督
89分 / 日本
『蛾の光 』リャオ・チエカイ監督
120分 / 日本
2020 東京国際映画祭(日本)
2021 シンガポール国際芸術祭(シンガポール)
2021 Kuandu 映画祭 (台湾)
『colorz』15分 / 日本
30分 / 日本
MOOSIC LAB 2019短編部門 準グランプリ作品
『浮き銭』30分 / オムニバス / 日本
6分 / 日本
『エダマメ嬢』30分 / 日本
うえだ城下町映画祭 コンペティション部門
In recent years, I have participated in international co-productions of films and documentaries, successfully overcoming cultural differences and geographical distances in the process. My filmmaking focuses on building teams that transcend genres and borders, with a central theme of empathy that goes beyond cultural backgrounds.
In my work, I carefully address the lives, passions, and resilience of marginalized communities and everyday social issues, finding joy in capturing their stories and brilliance within the narrative.
Whether in documentary or fiction, I believe that making a film in a particular place is inherently about this process. Recently, I produced a television documentary as part of the special feature "Power to the People" for Singapore’s public broadcaster, CNA. For this project, I visited the local areas in Akita and Fukushima ahead of the scriptwriters in Singapore, engaging deeply with the community. Through this process, I was able to highlight the deep divide between family-run hot spring inns and geothermal power development, as well as the issues that cannot be resolved solely through structural or scientific approaches, bringing to light the daily lives of the people affected.
Additionally, I excel in collaborating with regions and cities to create works that leverage the unique characteristics of each location. In the production of "Imagine Ocean," a collaboration with a Singaporean dance company, I conducted interviews with ama divers in Toba and industry professionals before the choreography and story were even finalized. By integrating the experiences and joys of these real workers into the project, we were able to create a unique film that could only be shot in that specific location.
最近では、シンガポールの公共放送局CNAの特別企画 「Power to the People」 の一環として、テレビドキュメンタリーをプロデュースしました。このプロジェクトでは、リサーチのためにシンガポールの本体の脚本家よりも先に秋田や福島の現地を訪れ、地域社会との交流を深めることで、家族経営の温泉旅館と地熱発電開発の間に横たわる深い溝、そして構造的・科学的アプローチだけでは解決できない問題や人々の暮らしを浮き彫りにしました。
また、地域や都市と協力し、その土地ならではの特色を活かした作品制作にも長けています。シンガポールのダンスカンパニーと共同制作した 「Imagine Ocean」 の制作時には、こちらもダンスのコレオグラフィーやストーリーよりも先に鳥羽の海女や業界関係者へのインタビューを行い、実際の労働者やその喜びを作品に取り入れました。その結果、その特定の場所でしか撮影できない独特の作品を生み出すことができました。