Kei Iguchi
井口 慶
Kei Iguchi is a Director and Production Manager based in Tokyo.
Key works include ”The Box Man” directed by Gakuryu Ishii, ”Wakamusha” directed by Ryutaro Ninomiya, ”Ichiko” directed by Akihiro Toda, ”The Girl Named Ann” directed by Yu Irie, "Where Love Goes” directed by Fuka Miyajima, "Manami 100%" directed by Yumeki Kawakita, "House of the Owl" directed by Yoshitaka Mori (Disney+), and "Invisible Us" directed by Yusaku Matsumoto (Netflix).
In international co-productions, participated in films such as "Bagmati River" directed by Yusaku Matsumoto, "Last Shadow at First Light" directed by Nicole Woodford, and "Imagine Ocean" directed by Jiekai Liao. Additionally, contributed to the production of "Cinemovement Lab" 7: Tokyo Edition (2024), a one-week residency project that brought together Asian artists in Tokyo. Actively engaged in industry events, including attending the ACFM (Asian Contents & Film Market) at the Busan International Film Festival in 2024.
Graduated from Department of Digital Communication, Digital Hollywood University in 2010. Began creating 3D CG animations and live-action videos during this time. In 2018, studied abroad at Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology in New Zealand.
Joined TV Man Union in 2012 and worked on "Kokoro Yusabure! Senpai ROCK YOU" (Nippon TV). In 2014, joined Compass Inc. and directed programs such as MBS's "Jonetsu Tairiku," CX's "The Nonfiction," and BS Fuji's "Yume no Shokutaku." Additionally, served as an assistant director for the documentary film ”Kôri no hanabi Sayoko Yamaguchi ”
Went independent in 2017, serving as the assistant director for Tarō Okushū's film in Toei Presents HKT48×48 Directors, as well as Blood Club Dolls directed by Shutarō Oku. Edited the YouTube content "NBA Rakuten 21" and directed the video campaign "Fujimon 2-Week Floss Challenge" for Lion Corporation's Clinica brand in 2018. Directed "UNIVAS," a documentary series focused on university sports athletes for the internet sports media platform Sports Bull, contributing to the launch of the series.
From March 2020 to September 2021, worked as the chief director of the SNS team for the Olympic Organizing Committee, directing numerous videos documenting and recording the Olympics.
In 2022, served as the production manager for NTT's regional revitalization project, TENGUN Ogijima Project, on Ogijima Island in the Seto Inland Sea. Contributed to initiatives addressing population challenges on remote islands by utilizing metaverse solutions and collecting 3D point cloud data through advanced drone technology.
During this period, gradually shifted focus to film production, leading to the present day.
井口慶 東京在住のディレクター・映画制作部。
主な参加作品に、石井岳龍監督「箱男」、二ノ宮隆太郎監督「若武者」、戸田彬弘監督「市子」、入江悠監督「あんのこと」、宮嶋風花監督「愛のゆくえ」、川北ゆめき監督「まなみ100%」、森義隆監督「House of the Owl」(ディズニー+)、松本優作監督「透明なわたしたち」(Netflix)など。
国際共同制作作品では、松本優作監督「バグマティ・リバー」、Nicole Woodford監督「Last Shadow at First Light」、Jiekai Liao監督「Imagine Ocean」などの映画作品に携わるほか、アジアのアーティストを東京に集めて行われた一週間のレジデンス企画・Cinemovement Lab 7 : 東京編(2024年)の制作も務め、2024年の釜山国際映画祭のマーケット ACFMに研修に行くなど、精力的に活動している。
2012年にテレビマンユニオンに参加し、「心ゆさぶれ!先輩ROCK YOU」(日本テレビ)を担当。2014年からは株式会社コンパスに参加し、MBS「情熱大陸」、 CX「ザ・ノンフィクション」 BSフジ「夢の食卓」、などの番組制作で演出を努め、ドキュメンタリー映画「氷の花火 山口小夜子」の助監督を務める。
2017年に独立。「東映 presents HKT48×48人の映画監督たち」の奥秀太郎作品の助監督、奥秀太郎監督「ブラッド・クラブ・ドールズ」助監督、Youtubeコンテンツ「NBA 楽天21」の編集、2018年ライオン株式会社「クリニカ」ブランドのデンタルフロスのキャンペーン「フジモン2WEEKフロスチャレンジ」映像ディレクターなど。インターネットスポーツメディア「スポーツブル」の大学スポーツ選手密着ドキュメンタリー「UNIVAS」ディレクターを努め、コンテンツの立ち上げに貢献した。
2020年3月から2021年9月までの一年半はオリンピック組織委員会 SNSチーム チーフディレクターとして参加し、オリンピックの記録・ドキュメンタリー映像のディレクターを多数担当。
2022年にはNTT株式会社の地方創生プロジェクト「TENGUN Ogijimaプロジェクト」のプロダクションマネージャーとして瀬戸内海の男木島にて最新のドローン技術などの3D点群データの収集に携わり、離島が抱える人口問題にメタバースを利用した取り組みに貢献した。
"Invisible Us" directed by Yusaku Matsumoto
6 episodes for Netflix / Japan
Production Manager
-Trailer URL https://youtu.be/_ItjF9C95aE?si=Ug51xkmpQVk9Du2a
"The girl named Ann" directed by Yu Irie
113mins / Fiction feature film / Japan
Production Assistant
-Trailer URL https://youtu.be/LG5UQbRm3Bk?si=wJKSMdnkkqWyukUU
79th Mainichi Japan film Award - 6 prie nominee, best actor prize
37th Tokyo International Film Festival Nippon Cinema Now, Japan
DANANG ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL - Special Jury prize, Vietnam
Festival du cinema japonais contemporain, France
"Wakamusha" directed by Ryutaro Ninomiya
103mins / Fiction feature film / Japan
Production Manager
"The Box Man" directed by Gakuryu Ishii
120mins / Fiction feature film / Japan
Production Assistant
74th Berlinale Internatinal Film Festival, Germany
'Imagine Ocean" directed by Jiekai Liao
18mins / Fiction short film / Singapore, Japan
Line Producer
-Trailer URL https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RYtIqKqVlDyeXODL8KOn6RoUs55EO4oa/view?usp=drive_link
42th Le FIFA Short FIlms Official Selection, Canada
"Power To the People- Geothermal"
45mins / CNA documentary show / Singapore
Line Producer, Resercher
"Maridge Plan" directed by Akira Osaki
BUMP Web drama series / 40 episodes / Japan
"Secret Wife" directed by Ryota Sugihara
Short Max Web drama series / 80 episodes / China, Japan
"House Of the Owl" directed by Yoshitaka Mori, Yuya Ishii, Matsumoto Yusaku
Disney + drama series / 10 episodes / Japan
Production Assistant
"Ichiko" derected by Akihiro Toda
126mins / Fiction feature film / Japan
Priduction Assistant
28th Busan International Film Festival, Korea
36th Tokyo International Film Festival, Japan
47th Göteborg Film Festival, Sweden
"Last Shadow At First Light" directed by Nicole Midori Woodford
110mins / Fiction feature film / Singapore, Japan, Slovenia, Philippines, Indonesia
Production Assistant
-Trailer URL https://youtu.be/h-JTSWBgeA4?si=h_n8T_rteUqaIvgX
71st San Sebastian Film Festival, Spain
34th Singapore International Film Festival, Singapore
16th Asia Pacific Screen Awards Best Screenplay Nominee, Australia
18th Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival, Indonesia
7th Pingyao International Film Festival, China
1st Ho Chi Minh International Film Festival Jury Prize, Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Vietnam
47th Göteborg Film Festival, Sweden
24th Tokyo FILMeX, Japan
"Yossu, Omatase, Jyaamatane" directed by Kazuma Inomata
81mins / Fiction feature film / Japan
Production Manager
-Trailer URL https://youtu.be/doloiKgsp9E?si=PWxmMnOhNdZGGkFo
"Where Love Goes" directed by Fuka Miyajima
88mins / Fiction Feature / Japan
Assistant Director
15th Okinawa International Film Festival, Japan
28th Mediterranean Film Festival Split, Croatia
18th Osaka Asian Film Festival, Japan
"Manami 100%" directed by Yumeki Kawakita
101min / Fiction Feature / Japan
Production Manager
"Shanikusai-made" directed Irie Nanako
43mins / Fiction Short / Japan
Sound recordist
Kobe Independent Film Festival
"Bagmati River" directed by Yusaku Matsumoto
29mins / Fiction Feature / Japan
Sound Recordist
17th Osaka Asian Film Festival, Japan
"MIRRORLIAR FILMS Season2" directed by Kana Yamada
121 mins / Fiction Feature / Japan
Sound Recordist
"God's Favor" directed by yusaku Matsumoto
Fulu Web Drama Series / 8 epispdes
Assistant Director
"Made In Japan" directed by yusaku Matsumoto
30mins / Fiction Short / Japan
Sound Recordist
"Kôri no hanabi Sayoko Yamaguchi" directed by Takako Matsumoto
97mins / Documentary Film / Japan
Assistant Director
ABEMA TV・Netflix配信作品
全6話 / 日本
113分 / 日本
第79回 毎日映画コンクール 主演俳優賞受賞(河合優実)、6部門ノミネート(日本)
第2回ダナン・アジアン映画祭 アジア映画部門 審査員特別賞(ベトナム)
103分 / 日本
120分 / 日本
『Imagine Ocean』 アンジェラ・リオン=リャオ・チエカイ共同監督
18分 / シンガポール・日本
第42回 モントリオール国際芸術映画祭(カナダ)
『Power To the People- Geothermal』
CNAドキュメンタリー番組 / シンガポール
BUMP Web配信ドラマシリーズ / 全40話 / 日本
Short Max Web配信ドラマシリーズ / 全80話 / 中国・日本
Disney + 配信作品
全10話 / 日本
126分 / 日本
『Last Shadow at First Light]』ニコル・ミドリ・ウッドフォード監督
110分 / シンガポール・日本・スロベニア・フィリピン・インドネシア
第71回 サンセバスチャン国際映画祭(スペイン)
第34回 シンガポール国際映画祭 (シンガポール)
第16回アジア太平洋映画賞 最優秀脚本賞ノミネート(オーストラリア)
第1回ホーチミン国際映画祭 審査員賞・最優秀脚本賞・撮影賞(ベトナム)
第47回 ヨーテボリ映画祭(スウェーデン)
第24回 Tokyo FILMeX(日本)
81分 / 日本
88分 / 日本
101分 / 日本
43分/ 日本
『バグマティ リバー』松本優作監督
29分 / 日本
『MIRRORLIAR FILMS Season2』山田佳奈監督
121分 / 日本
Fulu 配信ドラマ/ 全8話
30分 / 日本
『氷の花火 山口小夜子』 松本貴子監督
97分 / 日本